Uwe Boll Doesn't Want Terrorists To Win; Andre 3000 Might Be Sammy Davis Jr.; Wesley Snipes Could Be Thelonious Monk

“The terrorists [in the plane] are having a big fight over who gets more virgins in eternity. So in that context it is funny. If comedy cannot be in a way insulting for some, but other people have a blast out of it, where are we?” – If critically roasted hack video-game adapting director Uwe Boll doesn’t get to keep his 9/11 joke in his new movie, “Postal,” the terrorists will have won (Boll has been so upset with some of the vicious reviews his laughable movies have received in recent years that he has challenged and fought some of his critics in boxing matches). [EW]

“Well, actually, I just got the script. “I am checking it out now, and we will see where it goes from there.” – Andre 3000 cannot contain his enthusiam for his prospective turn as Sammy Davis Jr. in an upcoming, I-suppose-it-might-happen biopic. Don’t hold your breath. [MTV]

“I know who I would like. I would love it if Wesley Snipes would do it.” – “El Cante” director Leon Ichaso, apparently never having seen any of Wesley Snipes movies, wants the, *cough,* actor to play Thelonious Monk. [MTV]

“Thankfully most people don’t know who John Lennon is, so the pressure wasn’t on. It is a ridiculous portrayal and a silly scene. Jack Black plays Paul McCartney. So you look at both of us and say, “Oh, I get it.” – Star of the upcoming Ten commandements spoof, “The Ten,” Paul Rudd confirms his cameo as some Beatles dude in the Judd Apatow film, “Walk Hard.” [MTV]

The Toronto Film Festival has added Werner Herzog’s antarctica doc “Encounters at the End of the World,” Gus Van Sant’s Cannes offering “Paranoid Park,” Gael Garcia Bernal’s directorial debut “Deficit,” “My Enemy’s Enemy” by “Last King of Scotland” director Kevin McDonald and… an Iraqi war documentary from former talk show host Donahue? [Variety]

David Cronenberg’s “Eastern Promises” will open up the London Film Festival. [London Times]