Watch: 3-Minute Supercut Retrospective Commemorating Best Picture Oscar Winners Of 2000s

Best Picture Oscar Winners Of 2000s

We’re about enter the summer season of movies that will test the limits of CGI and spectacle, so perhaps it’s a good time to take a moment to remember that there will be movies of substance beyond the explosions. They’re the films we spend the last part of the year talking about their Oscar potential, but before we look ahead (oh wait, we already did) let’s look back.

Miguel Branco has put together a three minute supercut highlighting the Best Picture winners from 2000-2009. It was a wacky decade for the Academy who veered from honoring blockbuster stuff like “The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King” to musical “Chicago” to the tiny Iraq war drama “The Hurt Locker” to the controversial choice “Crash.” Backed by the music of The xx and Radiohead, it all swims together mostly seamlessly in a nice tribute to the movies that made history. Check it out below.