Watch: 30-Second TV Spot Teases 'The Amazing Spider-Man' NBC Super-Preview on May 14th

nullSay what you will about “The Expendables 2,” at least they trotted out some amusing persuasion from Terry Crews to advertise the micro-teaser for that film. That's not the case with “The Amazing Spider-Man,” increasingly looking like the kid brother next to this summer's Whedon, Nolan, and Scott offerings, but the film's creative team is trying its hardest to convince you of its import, as its latest TV spot suggests.

Filled mostly with recycled footage (and some bits of new stuff) from trailers and clips seen thus far — Andrew Garfield dodging villains as Spidey, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) looking pensive — the spot teases an upcoming “4-Minute Super Preview” airing during the May 14th season premiere of NBC's “America's Got Talent.” No word on whether the preview will be an extended clip, or simply a show reel designed to ruin every surprise the film has to offer, but it doesn't look promising. Earlier clips have already given away The Lizard's appearance (played in human form by Rhys Ifans), and in a film set on such a relatively small scale as this, that's a big reveal to let loose.

Hopefully though, director Marc Webb can bypass the studio marketing machine calling for more footage to deliver a few surprises when “The Amazing Spider-Man” hits theatres on July 3rd. Check out the spot below. [ComingSoon]