Watch: Dominic Cooper Goes Crazy Twice Over In Trailer For 'The Devil's Double'

On the one hand, “The Devil’s Double” — a biopic of Saddam Hussein‘s psychotic son Uday and of his body double, with Dominic Cooper playing both roles — sounds like it could be some compelling viewing, at least based on the one actor, dual roles casting. On the other hand, it’s directed by Lee Tamahori, the guy behind “Die Another Day” and “xXx2: The State of The Union” so it could very well be a trainwreck. But we’ll be honest, with the blinged out poster and now this trailer, we’re pretty curious.

Playing like “Scarface” meets uh, “Twins” (?), the film seems to be an over-the-top account of the story with lots of scenery chewing from Cooper, flashy cars, hot women and guns. We’d like to think maybe it’s just the way they cut the trailer, but with Depeche Mode‘s “Personal Jesus” blasting though the speakers we think this will a lot more of a glossier affair than the premise suggests.

We’re still not sure which way this will land, but kudos to the Lionsgate marketing team because they definitely ensured that they got our attention. Check out the trailer below — the film opens on July 29th.