Robert De Niro is getting back in the family, and no, we don’t mean another ‘Fockers’ movie. Rather, he’s getting back in the organized family way, once again entering the game of legitimate business dealings, and starring in the latest from Luc Besson, “The Family” (which you probably knew about under it’s previous title “Malavita“). For both director and star, they’ve had a patchy last few years, with both highlights (“Silver Linings Playbook” and “Stone” for De Niro) and lowlights (wait, what was the last good movie Besson directed?). Can they form a power pairing here?
Well, the first trailer is here for you to find out. Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy Lee Jones and Dianna Agron co-star in the movie that follows a mafia boss and his family how are relocated to a sleepy town in France under the witness protection program after snitching on the mob. But old habits die hard, and it isn’t long before Fred Manzoni (De Niro), his wife Maggie (Pfeiffer) and their children Belle (Dianna Agron) and Warren (John D’Leo) are back to their criminal ways, and CIA Agent Stansfield (Jones) has to try and keep them in line. Ha, ha?
Are Besson and De Niro bringing the juice or is this another toss away for both of them? Let us know your thoughts below. “The Family” gets together on September 20th.