Watch: Honest Trailer For 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Tries Not To Go Full Fanboy

Star Wars: The Force AwakensThe expectations J.J. Abrams. had to deal with in the last several years are hard to overstate. With "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," he not only had to revitalize a franchise, but he had to make a movie that was a marked improvement on the previous three ‘Star Wars‘ films and had to pass the torch to a new generation. He certainly succeeded, and who cares if borrowed wholesale from "Star Wars: A New Hope"?

READ MORE: J.J. Abrams’ ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Starring Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac & More 

That’s the position Screen Junkies take in their Honest Trailer take on the movie, which sees two different narrators battling it out over the merits of the movie. The essential question it asks is: can we forgive ‘The Force Awakens’ for rehashing elements from the previous ‘Star Wars’ films, as long as it’s entertaining? The answer appears to be "yes."

Meanwhile, Abrams revealed what the deal was with that table full of ashes that Kylo Ren puts this helmet down on. “The backstory is that that table has the ashes of the enemies he’s killed. That moment was actually shot for, and meant to be used in, the scene where he was talking to the Vader mask,” he told EW. “He originally had his mask off the first time we shot that scene. Then we reshot it with his mask on, but we had that shot which I loved and thought was so cool of the mask being slammed down into that ash. So that shot was stolen from the scene that we had changed and put into the scene with Rey.”

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is now on home video. Check out the Honest Trailer below, plus a featurette snippet about Ben Solo’s turn to the dark side.