If you didn’t catch onto the similarities between “It Follows” and John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” after watching the video mashup below, you’ll wonder how you ever missed it. Part of the charm behind David Robert Mitchell’s “It Follows” is the ways in which it pays homage to the great horror films of the past while still managing to stand out on its own. But the works of John Carpenter, and specifically “The Thing,” must have been on the director’s mind when crafting the film. The video below, titled “What Are You?” and edited by Alex Kalogeropoulos, demonstrates how the films really seem like kindred spirits.
Both films get to the very core of what the horror film is all about. There’s an intentional ambiguity regarding who the villain is in both movies, and yet, you know who it is just from the film’s title. It’s a “thing.” Or, an “it.” There’s no need to be any more specific than that. This thing is coming after each of these characters and there really doesn’t appear to be anyway to stop it. By the end, little is resolved and there’s still a lingering dread. Will it get you next?
Check out the mashup below. Then seriously consider putting together your own personal “The Thing”/”It Follows” double feature inside your living room.