Watch: New Trailer For 'Captain America: The First Avenger' Will Easily Find Recruits

After various sneak peeks and quick glimpses the first full length trailer for “Captain America: The First Avenger” has dropped and it looks like “X-Men: First Class” has some competition in terms of the best looking comic pic this summer.

While we’re still worried what Joe Johnston might bring to the equation, we have to say, we’re pretty impressed. A good chunk of the trailer is devoted to Steve Rogers‘ pre-transformation days as a weakling who apparently got beat up in alleys and the CGI used on Chris Evans to Benjamin Button him down to 90 lbs looks far less strange here than it did in the Super Bowl spot. And while the second half gives it up for explosions and — oh shit! there’s Howard Stark! — it feels pretty well integrated and genuinely exciting.

Take a look for yourself below and don’t be surprised if you heart beats a little bit faster — patriotically that is. “Captain America: The First Avenger” opens on July 22nd. [via /Film]