Watch: New Trailer For 'Noah' As Darren Aronofsky Talks Final Cut


“They won’t connect emotionally with the main character because it betrays the essence of the biblical character, and the payoff just isn’t good enough,” radio critic Mario P. Szekely said following the Mexico City premiere of Darren Aronofsky‘s “Noah.” Indeed, early word on the movie coming from a select group of folks allowed to see the movie early, is that it’s like “The Fountain,” in that it’s not going to be one easily embraced by the mainstream. That’s probably not what Paramount wants to hear as they get set to launch the Biblical epic worldwide, so they’re putting a different face on it.

The face they’re presenting is that of the charming Emma Watson, who introduces the new trailer for “Noah,” after a few blooper moments. It lightens the mood briefly before the heavy story of Noah, the ark, the flood and mankind kind of being the worst emerges. It’s a take that cause some internal wrangling between the studio and filmmaker, with Aronofsky taking ownership of the final product.

“The process sucked,” Aronofsky told the New Yorker, adding: “I don’t know if you can find another over-a-hundred-million-dollar movie that didn’t have reshoots. And, at this point, Paramount ninety-eight-per-cent supports everything I want in the movie. So I live and die by this version, and take full responsibility.”

And we’ll see how it all goes when “Noah” arrives on March 28th. Watch below.
