Can’t wait for “The Grand Budapest Hotel“? After seeing it at the Berlin Film Festival, we don’t blame you (our review). But if you want a bounty of Wes Anderson in your life, and soon, hit your local video store or online retailer or wherever you buy DVDs, because there’s a treat coming.
The Criterion Collection is dropping “Fantastic Mr. Fox” next week, and get folks ready, they’ve revealed a new trailer for the film. Introduced by an animated Jarvis Cocker (who voices Petey in the movie), the spot takes you behind the scenes of the Roald Dahl adaptation, while pimping the bounty of extras the release will contain. It’s another reminder of the detailed worlds Anderson puts together in his films, something he reportedly tops in ‘Budapest,’ which might be his most ambitious picture yet.
So, watch below and get ready to shell out some cash for Fantastic Mr. Fox (Criterion Collection) (Blu-ray/DVD) February 18th. Trailer below followed by details of the DVD extras.
“Fantastic Mr. Fox” Criterion Collection Release Details
- Digital master, approved by director Wes Anderson
- Audio commentary featuring Anderson
- Storyboard animatic for the entire film
- Footage of the actors voicing their characters, puppet construction, stop-motion setups, and the recording of the score
- Interviews with cast and crew
- Puppet animation tests
- Photo gallery of puppets, props, and sets
- Animated awards acceptance speeches
- Audio recording of author Roald Dahl reading the book on which the film is based
- Fantastic Mr. Dahl, an hour-long 2005 documentary about the author
- Gallery of Dahl’s original manuscripts
- Discussion and analysis of the film
- Stop-motion Sony robot commercial by Anderson
- PLUS: A booklet featuring a new essay by critic Erica Wagner; a 2002 article on Dahl’s Gipsy House by Anderson; White Cape, a comic book used as a prop in the film; and drawings, original paintings, and other ephemera.