As long as they keep squeezing some extra cash out, it seems that studios are content to keep releasing 3D conversions of their older films. While “Jurassic Park 3D” won’t hit theaters until later this spring, you’ll be able to get your nostalgia fix in 3D next a lot sooner. The late Tony Scott’s seminal film “Top Gun” is set to get a limited IMAX 3D release next month and a new trailer has been released to get you pumped to re-enter the danger zone.
Starring Tom Cruise in a star-making turn, “Top Gun” defined the Jerry Bruckheimer style and guaranteed Michael Bay a career. Immensely quotable, with a soundtrack that went nine times platinum, the movie was also a massive home video hit at the time, breaking records for VHS sales. It then took a long, long time but work was finally starting on a sequel just before Scott's unfortunate death. Meaning this is likely one of the rare occassions you'll get to see Maverick at the multiplex.
For six days next month — February 8th to 13th — you’ll be able to see the aerial dogfights and, most importantly, the exceptionally homoerotic volleyball scene, on an IMAX 3D screen near you. The film will be released on Blu-ray shortly after on February 19th. Watch the trailer below.