Wild Speculation? Or Is Spike Jonze's 'Where The Wild Things Are' Being Reshot?

Say what? Chud.com is claiming that “we’re on the verge of losing a movie here,” maintaining that Spike Jonze’s highly-anticipated “Where The Wild Things Are” adaptation might have to be completly reshot because studio execs are extremely unhappy with the results.

At this point, it’s no secret that “Wild Things’ has been having problems or at least it surely seems that way. Concretely, the film was pushed from a fall 2008 to an indefinite 2009 release which was the first sign, then internet chatter and rumors started flying around about the film testing poorly, the Max actor being miscast and other negative responses that you have to take with a grain of salt considering what a bathroom stall the interweb can be.

Chud claims that if and when a decision is made that the film must be reshot, the excuse will be “technical issues; specifically the animation of the Wild Things’ mouths and facial features.” Then they assert that perhaps some of the shot footage can be salvaged and not the entire film may need reshooting. This part seems to be the most damaging.

Sources tell us that the suits at Legendary and Warner Bros are not happy with Max Records, the actor playing Max, the mischievous boy who is crowned King of the Wild Things. Worse than that, they don’t like the film’s tone and want to go back to the script drawing board, possibly losing the Spike Jonze/Dave Eggers script when they do it.

While it could be a legitimate threat, we don’t want to put too much stock into it at the moment. Or at least, we’re somewhat skeptical. Sure, we’ve heard it’s going through re-shoots too. Who hasn’t at this point? It might just be a wait and see situation.

Apparently the film is too “wild” and “crazy,” too out there for most audiences. Warner Bros. has reportedly invested $75 million dollars into the film and Chud speculates they might not be happy with a multi-million dollar “subversive” art film.

The piece then goes into a lot of speculation and what-ifs that we won’t bother charting cause what’s the point (and it is pure speculation).

The Internet meanwhile is responding to this news in the calm, orderly fashion you might expect.”This is by far the worst news since Heath Ledger died!” one commenter shrieked over at SlashFilm, which made us fall out of our chair laughing.

This specious news follows on the heels of ‘Wild Things’ test footage leaking on the internet and creating enough of a stir to force Spike Jonze to make a statement about the footage, which many assumed was a leaked clip from the film (which it was not).