Winona Ryder & James Franco Team For Psychological Thriller 'The Stare'

Another week, another James Franco movie project in development. But guess what, this one is actually really and truly happening! We swear.

Deadline reports that The Franco and Winona Ryder are set to star in the indie flick “The Stare.” Set to be directed by Jay Anania, the story centers on a playwright (Ryder) who is in the process of mounting a new production and becomes troubled by dreams and visions of being watched and isn’t sure if she’s losing her mind or being manipulated. So basically, it’s “Black Swan” all over again but this time Ryder is the one going bonkers. Oh yeah, Franco will be one of the dudes in her play.

And while The Franco has about a bazillion projects on the go, this one actually starts shooting on May 6th. Huh. Looks like he’ll take one for the indie team before moving to “Oz: The Great And Powerful” later this summer.

As for Anania, don’t worry if you never heard of him. Not only does Anania teach Franco at NYU’s graduate film school, the actor appeared in Anania’s last effort “William Vincent” (aka “Shadows & Lies“) which did some festival dates last year. No, we didn’t hear about it either, but you can watch the trailer below. Hopefully this new film will have a bit more of a budget.