“Winnie The Pooh” may be a beloved, well-known brand, but as the character make its way to the big screen in a live-action adaptation from Disney, the studio seems willing to some risks. First, they hired indie filmmaker Alex Ross Perry, best known for acidic dramas like “Listen Up Philip,” to pen the script. And now, they tapped a director whose last blockbuster outing as a production nightmare to get behind the camera.
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“World War Z” helmer Marc Forster will direct “Winnie The Pooh.” Forster does have experience with tentpoles beyond the zombie flick, having helmed the James Bond outing “Quantum Of Solace,” but I can only imagine that ‘Pooh’ will be a bit more modest given the character (think something along the lines of this summer’s underseen “Pete’s Dragon“). Either way, this is a nice bounce back for Forster who is coming off TIFF, where he premiered the drama “All I See Is You” starring Blake Lively to little fanfare.
Still no word yet on when cameras will roll, or what casting might look like, but Disney seems to be well on there way to getting this one going. [Variety]