Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Chris Evans Says He Agreed To Star In ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Because It “Wraps Everything Up”

You’ll remember when Chris Evans was first approached to play “Captain America” for Marvel, the star originally turned the role down. The reason? A six-film commitment and the trepidation of getting stuck in a franchise.

“One of my biggest fears was that the movies were going to be good,” he told the English paper The Telegraph recently. “Because if things worked out, I’d have to do all six of them. And at the time, that was the most terrifying aspect of it. That it was going to be so dominating, all-encompassing.”

Evans eventually signed on, obviously, and perhaps one of the greatest feats of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that they’ve transformed a normally boring, patriotic character into one of Marvel’s most compelling characters on screen.

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Evans finished his Captain America contract with ‘Civil War‘ but, of course, Marvel approached him for two more films, the two-part “Avengers: Infinity War” movies. The actor suggests the reason he agreed to stay on board was that his role in the MCU is done after these megamovies are over.

“I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third ‘Avengers‘ I was done, but they wanted to make the third and fourth Avengers films as a two-parter,” he explained. “They said they had so many other characters to fit in – Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Ant Man – and couldn’t get them all into one movie. [I agreed] because it made sense. It’s going to wrap everything up.”

You better get ready for a Marvel Cinematic Universe without Captain America, Iron Man and possibly Thor too. All the actors with multi-film contracts will be done after the ‘Infinity Wars’ movie and all of them have hinted, along with the producers, that ‘Avengers 4’ begins a new chapter in Marvel’s universe. The million dollar question is whether these characters are killed off or ride into the sunset for now, perhaps coaxed to return down the line at some point if necessary. Bet on the latter, Marvel doesn’t want to limit their options and obviously are setting up a world where characters like Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel become some of the star players.

[The Telegraph via CBM]

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