David Bergstein Has Hollywood's Biggest Brass Balls

What the hell is going at “ThinkFilm”?

We’re not going to list the endless stream of lawsuits facing David Bergstein — The Hollywood Reporter does a good job of running it down — but we will say the guy has Alec Baldwin sized brass balls that despite accusations of not releasing films, not paying filmmakers, fraud, breach of contract, false promises and negligent misrepresentation he was still hustling and masquerading down at the AFM last week under the banner Pangea Media Group.

Why? Well, it appears he’s actually lost the rights to use the name ThinkFilm, yikes.

Last year, Bergstein was the subject of a pretty unflattering NY Times profile chronicling his horrendous money-owing habits and then the L.A. Times dropped their own piece with a ton of insurmountable evidence as to why he was being sued for fraud (though he casually tried to play it off).

Listen Bergstein, there are easier ways to make fast money and rip people off than in Hollywood like…actually, you might be on to something there.

ThinkFilm is the indie wing of Capitol Films (which is just as fucked) and their money issues are part of the reason why David O. Russell’s “Nailed” was never finished and has not yet been released, but there has been recent talk that it could come back to life. However, unless Capitol/Think sells it off, we’re doubtful it’s going to see the light of day on its own.