Did Someone Buy Paul Thomas Anderson An XBox For Xmas? Nope! Silly Story Debunked

Ah, thank god! We’ve been sitting on this one all day in hopes of it clearing up (before we too looked like jackasses). There were a few unbelievable and very-dubious reports today that Paul Thomas Anderson, director of “There Will Be Blood” would dumb down his shit to tackle a video game adaptation of “Metal Gear Solid.” It seemed way off-base and ridic and especially since there’s another director called Paul W.S. Anderson, a hack who did game adaptations like, “Resident Evil.”

Apparently Paul was interested, however, it never became clear which Paul that was. Some confirmation wires got crossed, and then the next thing you know PTA directing Video Game movie!

But alas, no, the rumor is “completely false and ridiculous” (no shit). And thank god for that. What, did he all of a sudden get a console for Xmas and decide, “hey, this would make a great movie!?” In the name of good taste, thank Allah! All’s well that ends well.