Jeremy Renner Still Wants To Do A 'Bourne Legacy' Sequel

Last year, everyone’s favorite amnesiac spy returned in “Jason Bourne,” and the results were mixed. The film didn’t have the same kinetic magic of the original trilogy, and while its the second highest grossing film of the series worldwide, “Jason Bourne” seemed like it was creatively running on fumes. Nonetheless, producer Frank Marshall is angling for a fifth movie, even if Matt Damon doesn’t seem to be in any rush.

However, the producer has made it clear that Jeremy Renner‘s Aaron Cross, featured in the not so well received spinoff “The Bourne Legacy,” is not going to be returning to the big screen. Still, the actor is ready and willing should anybody change their minds.

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“I mean, the willingness on my part is there ’cause that to me is where a movie … Like we were talking about the differences between a big movie and then like a small movie, as far as like maybe budget. Well, this is when that in shooting ‘Bourne Legacy’ there’s a lot of complexity in the character and it felt like shooting a small independent movie only because, not so much cause of the budget, just because there’s a small team,” he told Collider. “It was like [DP Robert] Elswit and our director and the writer and we were all just there in the mountains doing this and doing that and a lot of action and a lot of fun things to do, but there’s a communion and a heavily emotional investment into what we were doing. So, I really really enjoyed shooting that movie, and so my desire and will in wanting to do that is yes, but is has to be … an audience has to want that and the studio. There’s a lot of other people. It’s kind of outside my pay grade to make those decisions, but yeah I’d want to do that. It’s interesting you mentioned sort of that mid budget film and it is sort of harder to keep finding those and the sort of way to get the collaboration of an indie with a slightly higher budget.”

It’s interesting that Renner considered ‘Legacy’ with an indie mindset, considering its $125 million budget, but he clearly relished the experience. It was likely much more intimate than his work on the supersized, blockbuster Marvel movies.

Should Renner get another shot in a ‘Bourne’ flick? Let us know in the comments section.