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‘Judge Dredd: Mega-City One’ Producer Wants Karl Urban Back In Title Role

One of the more exciting, and surprising, recent TV announcements is about “Judge Dredd: Mega-City One.” The potential TV show based on the long-running comic series was thought to be impossible after the latest film adaptation, “Dredd,” failed to make a splash at the box office. Now, after the TV announcement, fans are at least hoping they can get actor Karl Urban to return to the role.

According to “The 2000 AD Thrill-Cast,” fans just might get their wish. ‘Mega-City One’ producer Brian Jenkins had this to say about Urban: “We have had many conversations prior to this, about all sorts of things. He’s also very busy, a full-time professional actor. So we’re going to have some long and complicated conversations I would imagine, and we’ll see where we go. It’s too early to tell yet, but if we can use him and he’s available to us, then I think that would be absolutely brilliant. There’s always a possibility he will be busy, or that his schedule for other movies won’t allow — basically, we don’t know at this stage.”

READ MORE: Podcast: Over/Under Movies Pits ‘Watchmen’ Against ‘Dredd’

Previously, Urban has said he’d like to revisit the character, but that was for a potential film sequel. A TV-series commitment is another thing altogether. While it would satisfy fans to have Urban back, Judge Dredd is a character that always wears his helmet that conceals his face, so it’s not the end of the world to recast. Actually, it might be the end of the world if they go back to Sylvester Stallone, like in the 1995 “Judge Dredd” film.

As far as the storyline goes, not much is known about the series, except that it follows a team of Judges — futuristic cops invested with the power to be judge, jury, and executioner — as they encounter the myriad challenges of a world in which east-coast cities have merged into a giant megalopolis.

No network or casting has been announced yet for the series, which probably won’t make its debut until late 2018 at the earliest. [via Heroic Hollywood]

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