Showtime Releases ‘Twin Peaks’ Teaser With Agent Dale Cooper

It ain’t that much to look at, but if you’re as excited for David Lynch’s new “Twin Peaks” series on Showtime coming later this year as we are, well… it’s something. Tonight, Showtime released the briefest of teaser trailers which revealed the first look at a slightly-grayed Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan, barely aged a day ) and a tweet that reads “FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper…25 years, 7 months, and 3 days later. #TwinPeaks #Showtime”

READ MORE: David Lynch Shares a Clue About Laura Palmer For The New Season Of ‘Twin Peaks’

The teaser depicts haunted shots of woods, headlights in the woods and Cooper all set to the now-iconic theme written by composer Angelo Badalamenti. Strangely enough, even 25 years later, the town of Twin Peaks still has a population of 51,201 according to the title card at the end. Apparently no one has ever left nor has anyone new moved there.

READ MORE: David Lynch Returns As Gordon Cole In New Teaser For ‘Twin Peaks’

“We’ve seen the whole thing,” Showtime CEO David Nevins teased recently. “David Lynch is one of the great film masters of my lifetime. I think this is the pure heroin version of David Lynch and I’m excited to put it out.” Damn.

David Lynch himself cryptically discussed what’s coming for “Twin Peaks” at the recent Television Critics Association event. “What killed ‘Twin Peaks’ originally — who killed Laura Palmer? — was a question that we did not ever really want to answer,” he said. “That Laura Palmer mystery was the goose that laid these little golden eggs. And then at a certain point, we were told we needed to wrap that up and after that, [the show] never really picked up.”

“Twin Peaks” airs later this year on May 21.