'The Big Short' Co-Writer Thinks Casting Of Michael Fassbender In 'Steve Jobs' Was "Problematic"

nullIn a few weeks, the awards season will be wrapped up, and time will start being the judge of those of won, the pictures that didn’t make the grade, and those that perhaps should have. For me, I think "Steve Jobs" deserved a bit more love beyond the acting nods for Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet (Daniel Pemberton‘s score, for example, is pretty underrated, one of the better ones of the year). But there were many who had issues with Danny Boyle‘s movie, including those who wound up with Oscar nominations.

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All the Best Screenplay nominees gathered together for a panel talk this week, and when asked what changes they would make the other Oscar nominated films by moderator Jeff Goldsmith, "The Big Short" co-writer, Charles Randolph, took a little jab at "Steve Jobs," which, notably, also missed a screenplay nod for Aaron Sorkin

 “I think ‘Steve Jobs’ is a really underrated film this year, frankly,” he said. “…it’s really good. For me, it’s the casting that is problematic. So I would just like to be in the casting, when they are talking about [Michael] Fassbender and say [lowering his voice to a whisper]: ‘No don’t.’ He’s a great actor. I just don’t think he’s that character.”

He’s not the only one who had that thought about the movie, but as Goldsmith pointed out, Fassbender earned an Oscar nomination for his turn (and I think he was pretty damn good in the role). Thoughts? Do you agree with Randolph? Let us know below. [Variety]