21. Ben, Jerry and Leland Dance
It’s another Leland moment, but really this one belongs to the Horne brothers, Ben and Jerry (Richard Beymer and David Patrick Kelly), and shows their weirdly conspiratorial fraternal relationship, not to mention their own barely suppressed mania, always bubbling just below the surface.
22. The Log Lady’s Bad Habit
Gross, and Norma will chastise her for it later, but also classic Log Lady.
23. David Lynch’s Magician Mini-Me Makes Creamed Corn Teleport
Yes, he looks exactly like a little David Lynch, because the mysterious grandson is played by Lynch’s own son, Jack Austin Lynch.
24. Major Briggs Delivers the Message
Prompted by the Log Lady, the Major reveals a little of his highly classified work, and where an alien subplot is normally a sign of last-ditch desperation second only to “it was all a dream,” really it all fits perfectly naturally in “Twin Peaks” (which will soon jump the shark as spectacularly as Nadine at a cheerleader tryout, but not just yet).
25. Maddy, Donna & James Record A Song
Lumbered almost from the off with the dullest of all the ‘Peaks’ subplots (though nothing could have prepared us for the shitshow that is his bit o’ rough relationship with Evelyn Marsh later on in season 2), poor James Hurley (James Marshall) finally gets a memorably odd moment when he decides that now’s the time to cut a single with these gals. His weird falsetto and their breathy backing vocals almost convince us there’s something to him. Almost.
26. Bob Climbs Over a Sofa
There isn’t a single un-terrifying Bob (Frank Silva) moment, but this is the one that basically stopped my little heart the first time I saw it.
27. Albert’s Unexpected Foundation
The brilliant, obnoxious Albert (RIP Miguel Ferrer, who died at just 61 in January, but who will be seen in the upcoming “Twin Peaks” revival show) has already been punched out by Harry and filed a complaint against him, so this corkscrew 180 comes as a particularly delicious surprise. (Next time they meet, they hug like long-lost brothers.)
28. Leo’s Welcome Home Party
He’s in a persistent vegetative state, and when he’s not, he’s a murderously abusive wife-beating felon, but it’s still possible that screwing your hot boyfriend practically in your catatonic husband’s lap might not be the best idea.
29. “Mexican chihuahua”
If we weren’t already dying of aural pleasure having heard Cooper’s hard-of-hearing boss Gordon Cole (David Lynch) overenunciate the word “Vicuna” several times, here we get to see him for the first time and hear him mangle the word “Chihuahua.”
30. Sailors at the Great Northern Hotel
Believing Bob to be one of the guests at the Great Northern, Coop and Harry head up there to question them all, only for half of them to turn out to be sailors who bounce rubber balls on the floor while they wait, setting up an ongoing rumble of percussion. Amazingly, there’s no available footage online of this scene, which just goes to show how much the show altered our baseline for memorable and meme-able.
Shut up. This reveal/confirmation is just one of the most indelible TV moments of all time, followed immediately by a horribly visceral scene of violence. “Twin Peaks” liked to play, but it could also be deadly serious when it mattered, and Maddy’s murder is one of its most upsetting scenes.
32. The Confession
Watch this clip, and the one below, and all the other Leland moments, and wonder: was Ray Wise the most undervalued actor of his time? He would have made a great Joker, for one thing.
33. Watch Leland Remember
I can’t even. You’re used to “Twin Peaks” scaring you and making you laugh, but this is one of the saddest scenes in network TV history. It’s pulverizing.