Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Arcade Fire Not Doing Score For Richard Kelly’s ‘The Box’ According To Lead Win Butler

Win Butler is not impressed at the moment and certainly not impressed with “Donnie Darko” director Richard Kelly, and engineer Markus Dravs and bloggers and “interweb writers.”

According to the Win’s blog on the Arcade Fire site, (via consequences) despite reports to the contrary, the Montreal orchestral rockers are NOT composing the score to Richard Kelly’s sci-fi, horror drama, “The Box.”

On May 12 Kelly wrote on his myspace page, “We’re starting to work with a very famous band who is honoring us with being the first fillmmakers they’ve ever scored a film with.”

Then Arcade Fire engineer Marcus Dravs was seemingly crystal clear on who that “very famous band” was. “Finished Coldplay’s forthcoming album Viva La Vida – now off to Canada to work with Arcade Fire on a soundtrack for the forthcoming Richard Kelly film, he wrote on his website (note: all references of that story is now gone).

But apparently both of them spoke out of turn as Win clarified today.

“Hi everyone. Just to let you all know that (Internet-based fact checking aside) Arcade Fire is NOT doing the soundtrack to any film. We are all off for the summer, writing songs, reading books and keeping our plants alive. Regine, Owen Pallet [violinist Final Fantasy] and I may do an instrumental piece or two for Richard Kelly’s new movie…we met at a show this year and hit if off, but we are not planning on doing any major work for a while, and this would not constitute a soundtrack or a release.”

Pitchforkmedia originally reported the news so the blame for this incorrect story should fall on them, yes? 😉 To be fair, the ducks did seem to be in a row especially with Dravs writing what he did. But Butler seems to be pretty firm; not a soundtrack, maybe an instrumental track or two. Surely Dravs got a handwrist slap and Kelly got an annoyed phone call. Like we said previously, the Arcade Fire like to be in control. Maybe they read our post and were like, “oh man, they’re right! This is a bad idea!” Or as Idolator specifically says, maybe they just finally rented “Southland Tales” and were rightly aghast.

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