Watch: Video Essay Explores The Rhythm Of Chaos In 'Mad Max: Fury Road'

Mad Max: Fury RoadGeorge Miller’s “Mad Max: Fury Road” doesn’t seem to want to leave headlines, whether it’s the question of if Charlize Theron will return as Furiosa in a sequel, how many scripts Miller has for said sequel, or if Furiosa will be in the sequel at all. Regardless of the specifics, Miller’s action masterpiece is certainly one of the most noteworthy films of the year; his post-apocalyptic-yet-paradisiacal story has a stunning crescendo of action — the rhythm of the editing is sublime.

READ MORE: Charlize Theron Says She Isn’t Signed On For ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Sequel

In this video, Rossatron dives into that editing process, and explores the paradigms of Miller and his editor, Margaret Sixel, came up with when putting it all together. Miller shot over 500 hours of footage — enough to make dozens of ‘Mad Max’ films — so imagine the tumultuous feat of tying in every detail in order to perfect his dystopia. Thankfully, Miller’s succinct rhythms paid off, and in each action sequence we watch the glory unfold. Try watching a few scenes on mute just to see how truly musical the action is.

While we hope Miller does make a sequel, re-watching the ‘Max’ we have will certainly suffice for now. Do you have a favorite moment from the film? Let us know in the comments below.