Are These Your Oscar 2007 Best Picture Picks?

The Producers Guild of America just gave out it’s nominations for the best film of 2007. They include a lot of the usual suspects. They include PTA’s ravenous oil epic “There Will Be Blood,” the pregnant teen comedy “Juno,” the Coen brothers nu-western drama “No Country For Old Men,” the lawerly thriller “Michael Clayton” and making-award-headway weeper, “The Diving Bell & The Buttefly.”

Are these going to be the eventual Oscar picks? Sounds like a pretty safe bet to us. PGA (ha*) lists are always a good indicator of the real deal (*no there is no golfing here).

PGA Best Film of 2007 Nominations
“No Country for Old Men”
“There Will Be Blood”
“The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”
“Michael Clayton”

Frankly, any list that doesn’t have “Atonement” on is fine with us. The way things are going the darkhorse of this group looks to be “Juno.” That’s the one we’d drop from this list if we could.

For documentaries, The PGA picked Michael Moore’s health-care sceed “Sicko,” the Iraq War flick “Body of War,” the deafness story “Hear and Now,” the folk tale “Pete Seeger: The Power of Song” and the World War II chronicle “White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”