James Horner Scoring 'Cristiada'; Directorial Debut By 'Lord Of The Rings' VFX Producer Dean Wright

Film Stars Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, Bruce Greenwood, Nestor Carbonell & Peter O’Toole

Here’s a project that has been flying under our radar. Dean Wright, the visual effects producer on “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,” is making his directorial debut with “Cristiada” and he’s working some pretty decent talent.

Starring Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, Peter O’Toole, Oscar Isaac, Santiago Cabrera, Ruben Blades, Catalina Sandino, Eduardo Verastegui and Nestor Carbonell, the historical drama tells the story of the Cristeros War (1926-1929), which was touched off by a rebellion against the Mexican government’s attempt to secularize the country. Film Music Reporter has done some digging and revealed that seven-time Academy Award nominee (and one-time winner for “Titanic“) will be penning what will probably be some very bombastic music for the score.

The film is currently in post-production with no release date set, but the official website is currently counting down to….something….that will happen just under a year from now.