Peter Jackson Says Directing 'The Hobbit' Is Still Just An "Option"

While the internet blew a collective pantload last week when it was revealed that Peter Jackson was in negotiations to direct “The Hobbit” following Guillermo del Toro’s departure, the director himself still remains cagey if he will end up helming the film.

AICN (via Movieline) spoke with Jackson who said, “Nothing has really changed — I’ve always said that me directing was one option, and so that’s not really news. The studio are working out what that deal would look like, because how else do they know if it’s a viable option? But it’s honestly one of several different options — many irons are in the fire right now.”

And really, we’re hardly surprised. As HeatVision blog noted, there are considerabe obstacles in the way, including MGM’s still shaky financial situation and working around the other project commitments on Jackson’s slate. In short, if a deal can’t be worked out that will get the film in front of cameras in a timely manner, Jackson won’t be directing. To quote HeatVision directly, “A significant delay would be a dealbreaker for Jackson.”

Despite reports to the contrary, Warners/New Line have not been actively seeking another director, as they are trying to coax Jackson to return to the director’s chair. However, it remains to be seen if all the necessary details can ironed out in time to make it happen.