So, Kanye West Might Be Making A Short Film In The Middle East Now

nullIt's easy to poke fun at Kanye West…No, seriously, it's easy to poke fun at Kanye West, and it's also pretty fun to poke fun at Kanye West, so we're going to go ahead and do it. Seemingly throwing into doubt his potential role as the creative director of a "The Jetsons" movie, 'Ye (is that really what people call him?) is reportedly planning to make a 30 minute short art film somewhere in the Gulf. Admittedly, this may be a fairly crushing blow for anybody on the edge of their seats about whether George Jetson would don a pair of Kanye's shutter glasses — now we may never know.

According to the New York Observer (via Vulture) "his reps seem genuinely enthusiastic about creating a piece which highlights culture accurately" and that "Kanye is looking to bridge the cultural divide and break misconceptions." They add that, "'Ye is also apparently interested in using local talent, or, more specifically, 'flashy' Sheikhs." Seriously. Now tell me you're not excited for this project. Kanye and his flashy Sheikhs are gonna change the world y'all.

An unconfirmed rumor surrounding the project is that it was inspired when West saw Kathryn Bigelow's "The Hurt Locker" and was surprised when it eventually went on the pick up the Oscar for Best Picture. He was really happy for her, but right then he knew that he would make one of the best movies to be set in the Middle East of all time.

Okay, joking aside now, who knows whether this will be any good or not. While we covered it a while back, this writer has to admit he never saw Kanye's "Runaway," but some people think that it's pretty good, right? (See for yourself below). The problem with Kanye is that he regularly produces work which require a great deal of creative talent but also regularly comes across as an idiot with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. So we guess we'll keep our eye on Kanye's short film project, but we won't be holding our collective breath.