Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Joaquin Phoenix Says He Doesn’t Think Making A Blockbuster Would Be “Fulfilling,” Calls Chris Pine “F*cking Genius”

Irrational ManJoaquin Phoenix doesn’t like talking about himself much, and hence, he’s not a big fan of interviews. But when he does give them, it’s usually fascinating and entertaining stuff, and both of those qualities are present in his recent chat with Time Out London. He was on hand to talk about Woody Allen‘s "Irrational Man," but as might be expected, Phoenix was also asked about his taking on franchise roles, particularly since his name was at one time floated for "Doctor Strange." And as you might expect, the choosy actor doesn’t think he’d necessarily be a good fit for those kinds of movies. 

"When I was younger I was probably a bit of a snob about [taking on blockbuster roles]. But they’ve gotten better. I’ve flirted with several of those films, having meetings and getting close, but ultimately it never felt like they’d really be fulfilling," he said. "There were too many requirements that went against my instincts for character. I’ve been spoiled. I’ve never had to make those compromises. I’ve not met a director yet with one of those films where we go through the script, they say: ‘You know what, fuck this set-piece, let’s focus on the character!’ I understand, but it’s best I don’t do it."

READ MORE: Joaquin Phoenix Says ‘Iron Man’ Was "Fantastic," Sidesteps ‘Doctor Strange’ Rumors

Long story short, Phoenix wants to make sure he finds something serves both his needs and that of the multi-million dollar movie. "…I’m not just being difficult. I’m just trying to find what works for me. I don’t want to commit to something and not fulfill those obligations," he added. "I enjoy watching those movies. Did you see the rebooted ‘Star Trek‘? That kid Chris Pine who plays Kirk is fucking genius. I just don’t know if I want to have the experience of being in them. I’ve read some of those scripts and 75 percent is a description of some asteroid going through space."

So Hollywood, if you want Joaquin Phoenix in your blockbuster, your script had better bring it. But wait, Pine is a "fucking genius"? I mean, he’s good as Kirk but…well, let us know what you think about that sentiment in the comments section below.

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