The plans are forever changing in the DC Films universe. More than two years ago, Dwayne Johnson confirmed he’d be playing villain Black Adam in “Shazam,” which now has Zachary Levi slated to play the titular hero. However, perhaps realizing that megastar like The Rock could lead his own movie, WB decided they’ll make a standalone “Black Adam” film (Mark Strong has since been cast as the baddie Doctor Sivano in “Shazam”). But the plans for Black Adam don’t end there.
The Wrap reports that Johnson’s character will make his debut in the DCEU in “Suicide Squad 2.” Indeed, Black Adam will be the next target for the ragtag group of anti-heroes. I mean, if you have The Rock in your pocket, might as well use him as much as possible, right? At any rate, Gavin O’Connor (“The Accountant,” “Warrior“) is set to direct the movie, which is aiming to kick off production in October 2018. So there’s still plenty of time for more tweaks to be made or maybe for the film to be scrapped altogether. Who knows given the whims of the executives at DC.
Either way, the take away here is: DC has Dwayne Johnson in their pocket, and by golly, they’re gonna use him.