Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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‘Bad Boys 3’ Now Titled ‘Bad Boys For Life’ & Arrives In 2018

There hasn’t been a “Bad Boys” movie since 2003, but a much discussed, long-belated sequel is still coming, however, it’s no longer called “Bad Boys 3.” Instead, it’s being titled “Bad Boys For Life” and the release date has been pushed back. Originally scheduled for June 2, 2017, the movie has now been dated for January 12, 2018. The date is not one that boasts a lot of confidence, but then again, Hollywood has been broadening blockbuster season beyond summer for a while now, and studios have been trying to turn January into something other than a dumping ground for the movies they don’t care about. The date change is apparently because Will Smith and Martin Lawrence —yes, they’re both back—can’t shoot the film until January 2017.

January dates can also be placeholders however. Tom Cruise’s “Mena,” now titled “American Made” was originally scheduled for January 6, 2017 date and was recently shifted to September 29, 2017, a much better slot on the calendar.

Other new release dates include Albert Hughes‘ Ice Age epic “The Solutrean,” Sony’s formerly untitled event picture that hits on September 15, 2017. And Daniel Espinosa‘s sci-fi flick, “Life” which stars Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson has been shifted from March 24, 2017 to a summer date of May 24, 2017. Another vote of confidence from Sony. Anticipating any of these films? Let us know in the comments.

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