Jonathan Demme Parts Ways With Bob Marley Doco, Sonic Youth To Perform On 'Gossip Girl,' Preview Entire 'Jennifer's Body' Soundtrack

First Martin Scorsese dropped out, now Jonathan Demme has followed suit and parted ways with the now ill-fated Bob Marley documentary. Demme’s exit may have a little bite though with the exit reportedly relating to producer Steve Bing’s less-than-impressed reaction after seeing the director’s first round of editing. It is unclear whether Demme was fired or left over differences with Bing or what effect Demme’s exit will have on the film’s projected Feb ’10 release. [NY Post]

Sonic Youth will be performing acoustically on an upcoming episode of popular CW show “Gossip Girl.” The performance, which will be of their 1986 single “Starpower,” will feature on the fifth episode of the upcoming season. The band are reportedly fans of the show. [EW]

Les Paul, known as the father of the electric guitar, passed away this week at the age of 94 after respiratory failure. The iconic figure is credited as the inventor of the electric body guitar and the pioneer of recording techniques like electronic echo and multi-tracking. R.I.P. [RockNRollDaily]

Death Cab For Cutie’s Ben Gibbard has teamed up with Son Volt’s Jay Farrar to write a soundtrack of original music for upcoming Jack Kerouac documentary “One Fast Move Or I’m Gone: Kerouac’s Big Sur.” The music is inspired by Kerouac’s novel “Big Sur” with the 12 track album seeing a release on October 20, the 40th anniversary of Kerouac’s death. [RockNRollDaily]

Justin Timberlake was recently spotted leaving a meeting with Bryan Singer. Could it possibly be about a role in his newly-announced “Battlestar Galactica” reboot? [JustJared]

Quentin Tarantino to direct a Rihanna music video? “Oh she really really loved [“Inglourious Basterds”], alright,” the director revealed. “So we talked about that and uh, she wants me to do a video so, we will see what we will see.” Next… [ONTD]

Preview the entire mostly-generic-emo-rock soundtrack to Karyn Kusama’s upcoming “Jennifer’s Body” whose details and tracklist were previously revealed. A punk cover of Johnny Nash’s “I Can See Clearly Now”? Seriously? [ONTD]