Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Spike Jonze Stars The Arts & Culture ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ Blog

Spike Jonze has a new blog called We Love You So that’s basically centered on “Where The Wild Things Are.” Or at least he and his people do. “This place has been established to help shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive [“Where The Wild Things Are”] project a reality,” the blog manifesto reads.

Or as sources tell WTWTA, “consider this the official blog of the movie as ‘part arts/culture blog, part wild things primer and part newspaper for stuff that makes us psyched.‘ And that really nails the tone of the blog which sort of feels vaguely similar to the NYTimes Arts & Culture blog if it were briefer and just mostly centered on ‘Wild Things.’

It’s filled with lots of tiny little goodies, some of them directly linked to the film — like this awesome image of Spike Jonze, the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s Karen O and Maurice Sendak — and some not. There’s no major reveals yet, but we do like this picture of Carter Burwell and an orchestra recording the score and a track called, “Rumpus.”

BTW, we forgot to post this video of Jonze freaking out some kid by wearing a ‘Wild Things’ mask. It’s pretty amusing.

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