Friday, March 7, 2025

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Watch: Honest Trailer For ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ A Reminder Of Every Awful Thing ‘The Wolverine’ Has To Overcome

nullThe year was 2009, and few could even anticipate what a colossal trainwreck “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” would turn out to be. Based on a hit character? Yep. Following the fan-derided, but massively successful “X-Men: The Last Stand” (the highest grossing of the trilogy)? Yep. An acclaimed director? Yep, Gavin Hood was riding high off the well-received dramas “Tsotsi” and “Rendition.” So where did all go wrong? The terrible script? The casting of The piss poor special effects? How about all of the above?

The folks at Screen Junkies have dropped one of their Honest Trailers, with “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” getting the treatment and as usual, it’s amusing stuff. We have to admit, we kind of forgot how bad the FX really were, with many claiming that they weren’t much better theatrically than in the leaked and widely pirated workprint that dropped online months before it hit theatres. While origin story stuff was mostly well handled, almost everything else wasn’t from the numerous sideplayers introduced and ruined (Deadpool) or wasted (Gambit) to a main sibling rivalry plot was just plain bad and hard to get involved with.

So, the forthcoming second chance at a standalone, “The Wolverine,” will really have to screw the pooch to reach this level of incompetence. Take a trip down memory lane below.

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