"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will have its share of new adventures, but part of it all will be the old guard, and no one has witnessed the strength of the Jedi or the power of the Dark Side quite like Han Solo. And as Harrison Ford reveals, when we catch up with the smuggler in ‘Episode VII,’ he may be different from how we remembered him all those decades ago.
"I think all the elements of Solo are somewhat preserved in the next movie," he told GQ. "The fallibility remains, if we’re to call it that, although we don’t pretend that he is the same person or the same age as he was then. He has been changed inside and out… [He’s been through the] same old shit every man goes through. Disappointment. His disappointments and the disappointments he’s produced in other people."
How that change manifests itself, we’ll have to wait and see. But these new images from the movie provide a fresh look at the galaxy we’re heading into, while a new featurette explores the rustbucket that could, the Millennium Falcon. December 18th is nine days away…. [Slashfilm]