A Hint For The U.S.? 'Only God Forgives' Has Scored An April 4, 2013 Release Date in Denmark

nullAs the fall festival season takes shape, with Venice and TIFF more or less unveiling their lineups (though Telluride won't reveal theirs until the end of the month), we now have a pretty good idea of what we can expect in the coming weeks. And what we can count out. And one of those films that is looking less likely to appear is Nicolas Winding Refn's "Only God Forgives." So when will we get it? An internatoinal release date might provide a clue…

The Danish Film Institute reveals on its website that the film is now slated for an April 4, 2013 release in…you guessed it…Denmark. While Refn tweeted earlier in the year for fans to pay attention to the last week of August, it seems less likely that it has anything to do with his upcoming thriller, and was more about the Gucci short film starring Blake Lively that he'll be premiering in Venice. And with The Weinstein Company's spinoff shingle Radius handling the release of the movie, without a date on the calendar right now to position it around, we'd guess that any appearance before the end of the year is looking less likely. Particularly when Ryan Gosling is already going to be stumping for his "Blue Valentine" director Derek Cianfrance's "The Place Beyond The Pines." So when will we see it?

Provided that the release date stateside will be in the same ballpark as the the Danish release, we reckon Sundance or even SXSW are possible festival spots for the movie. However, release dates are malleable and perhaps Harv will want to Refn and Gosling to return to Cannes next year and try and duplicate their "Drive" glory. However, if a fall date is necessity, we suppose Fantastic Fest could pull a rabbit out of their hat, but we'd be truly surprised if that happened. But no matter what, a 2012 bow is seeming more and more out of the cards. So basically: we'll see. Until we know more, check out this pretty awesome set pic below.null