We had just about lost all interest in the film project “Butter” after “Lars and the Real Girl” director Craig Gillespie passed on the project, but the cast circling the project is just too interesting for us to ignore.
Production Weekly reports that Alicia Silverstone is in talks to join the ever-growing cast of the quasi-political satire directed by Brit Jim Field Smith (“She’s Out Of My League”). The story follows Laura (Jennifer Garner), the wife of a former butter sculpting champion Bob (Ty Burrell) who tries to take the mantle from her husband only to be thwarted by a young adopted African American girl (Yara Shahidi), who has discovered that she has a natural talent for making art from out of butter. Burrell’s character is engaging in an extra-marital affair with (possibly) Kate Hudson or Alicia Silverstone’s character. Rob Corddry “The Daily Show” and Ashley Greene of “Twilight” fame also star.
This should be a fun offbeat comedy as it is said to be an alleged analogy for the 2008 Democratic primaries. In this political allegory, Laura and Bob are obviously Hillary and Bill Clinton, with the the young African girl playing the Barack Obama figure in the story. Silverstone is in negotiations to Brooke, a stripper who is carrying on an affair with Bob. The role was linked to Kate Hudson way back when she and Jim Carrey were said to be circling the film. While Carrey’s people confirmed he officially passed on the role, we’re guessing Hudson has moved on as well with Silverstone now circling the project.
We had a quick flip through the script, and the role would definitely be new territory for either actress. Brooke, the stripper) is described as a 19-year-old with “a black Betty Page hairdo and tons of tattoos. Her dance moves are phoned-in. It’s clear she hates her job, puppies, rainbows, Jesus, you, me and pretty much everything else.” She does have more than once scene where she walks around in little more than “stripper gear.” That said, the character is a lot of fun, manipulative, witty and definitely a meaty, comedic part. Silverstone would be a solid fit. The script, written by Jason Micallef, won the 2008 Nicholl fellowship in screenwriting and “Butter” was ranked as #3 on the Black List of the same year.
Filming on “Butter” is due to start filming in Shreveport, Louisiana next week. The Weinstein Company film, will be the first project for Jennifer’s production company Vandalia Films.
It seems that Silverstone’s hiatus from the big screen has officially come to an end in a big way, as she will not only star in “Butter,” but she will team up once again with her “Clueless” director Amy Heckerling and star in romantic comedy “Vamps” about two vampires living the high life in modern day New York City until love gets in the way. Sigourney Weaver will star with Silverstone as her maker and production is set to begin sometime later this year, presumably after “Butter.” — Sara Laurence, with additions by Danielle Johnsen