"Any Character That’s In There Is On The Table": Netflix's Ted Sarandos Talks The Future Of Marvel At Netflix

Marvel/NetFlix"There’s a danger that happens in writing comics, it seems every 10 to 15 years, where you paint yourself into a corner or you get into such convoluted continuity that only the most hardcore of fans can figure it out," Kevin Feige told Newsarama way, way back in 2008. At the time, the only two Marvel movies to his name were "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk" (which was technically a Universal release). And while he was already laying out the path to "The Avengers" back then, I’d wager even he couldn’t foresee the branches of the Marvel Cinematic Universe reaching out to Netflix.

The streaming service got out of the gate with the first two Marvel properties last year in “Daredevil” and “Jessica Jones,” and they couldn’t have asked for a better response. Both shows were critically well-received and embraced by fans, and there’s much more on the horizon, with “Iron Fist,” “Luke Cage,” “The Punisher,” and more, all in the pipeline. And as far as Netflix is concerned, the sky’s the limit.

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“Any character that’s in there is on the table … It’s always possible. All the characters in the universe could also spin out [into shows],” said Netflix’s chief content officer Ted Sarandos at the Television Critics Association press tour.

So yes, keep dreaming, kids, about your favorite superheroees getting their chance to shine, because it could very well happen. That said, Netflix isn’t going to go nuts, and Sarandos adds they’re still taking a very conservative approach when it comes to rolling out these shows.

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“Right now, these are produced at the scale of a major film, so there are long production times and long post times,” Sarandos said. “In some cases, when we have character crossover, it makes it more difficult to manage production. It’s not the goal to put out more than one or two out a year.”

In summary, exciting stuff, but keep your emotions in check because these things are going to need a lot of time to play out. But are there any characters you want to see get their own gig? Let us know in the comments section. [JoBlo/EW]