There’s pretty much a biopic in development of every living and or no longer breathing music icon, no? A long-gestating Aretha Franklin film biography has been in the works and but the Queen of Soul seems to have lots of issues with the direction the writer’s want to take the narrative.
“I sat with the writers that came in for about three days just talking,” she very recently told the AP. “And I am waiting for a first draft. They didn’t want to write it chronologically, and I kind of want to see it chronologically. They wanted to write it in retrospect, in a very unorthodox kind of way, and I don’t know if that’s the best way to go about it.”
Though she’s not totally ruling out their direction either. “I think that people get a better grasp and a better sense of everything if we do it chronologically. … But nothing is written in stone, I’m just waiting to read it to see what I think about it.”
She mentions that the same writers just finished a Miles Davis biopic, does she mean Chris Wilkinson and Stephen J. Rivele? More here as this one develops, but obviously it sounds a ways off if a first draft isn’t even complete.