Bill Murray To Play Franklin D. Roosevelt In 'Hyde Park On Hudson'

Sorry Ivan Reitman

It’s been a pretty slow news day, so here’s bit of WTF to go with your supper tonight.

Vulture reports that Bill Murray has signed on to play President Franklin D. Roosevelt in “Hyde Park On Hudson” directed by Roger Michell (“Morning Glory,” “Notting Hill“). Seriously. Written by Richard Nelson — who adapted his own 2009 radio play — the story focuses on a rather curious moment in FDR’s life. The movie is set over a weekend in 1939 when Brit royalty visits his upstate New York home for the weekend, and will shed light on his affair with his cousin Margaret Stuckley. So why is this particular time being focused on? It was the first time a monarch had ever stepped foot in America.

With Murray on board, the plan is to shoot the film in July. We suppose this also means he’s either a) read the script for “Ghostbusters 3” and didn’t like it or b) didn’t read it and doesn’t care but either way, any hopes of shooting the highly anticipated (?) sequel are still on hold for now. Somewhere Ivan Reitman is pouring himself a stiff one of Crystal Head Vodka.

So, comedy or drama or somewhere in between? We’re not sure but we’re guessing this will be more “The Razor’s Edge” and less “Garfield.” But you know, kudos for Murray for doing something totally left field. We wouldn’t expect anything less.