In the grand scheme of reopening cinemas in the US, we all know that studios are only looking at a few areas as real barometers for when they can move forward with their release schedule. Those areas include New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Well, according to new protocols released by California, approved by Governor Gavin Newsom, it appears that the cinemas in that state can open as soon as this week.
READ MORE: Theater Owners Expect 90% Of World’s Cinemas To Be Open By ‘Tenet’ Release Date
Deadline is reporting that California’s latest protocols say that theaters can begin reopening under strict guidelines on June 12, if they so choose. Of course, there are still locality restrictions that mean counties could overrule the state-wide mandates, but it appears that some of the biggest theater-going locations will have the ability to open their doors again on this Friday.
Obviously, these theaters won’t reopen at full capacity. The guidelines state that cinemas will only be able to open to 25% capacity or 100 patrons per screening, whichever number is lower. Also, the customers will be asked to wear a mask unless eating and drinking. In addition, social distancing will be the rule of law, with ushers expected to help ensure audiences remain socially distant and theaters should allow for staggering arrival times to avoid big crowds. Also, it’s being asked that cinemas limit “congregation points” in parking lots by distancing cars. And finally, theaters are being encouraged to use disposable or washable seat covers on materials that are difficult to sanitize between screenings.
Right now, it’s unclear when the major chains in California will reopen. AMC is expected to have an earnings call today, which could include an announcement about when the theaters will reopen. Cinemark has already stated that the chain is looking at a mid-June reopening to ease into July and the arrival of Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet.”
The big question is whether or not these chains will take advantage of the new guidelines and begin reopening or if they’ll hold off and see how other cinemas react. Also, it’ll be interesting to see if 25% capacity is enough for studios such as Warner Bros. to be confident enough to start releasing big-budget films such as “Tenet” and “Wonder Woman 1984.”
Regardless, it appears that this week is going to be a big week for the cinemas and studios to see what the immediate future is going to look like.