Cameron Crowe Helms Target Commercial Featuring New Pearl Jam Single, 'The Fixer'

Ever wonder what director Cameron Crowe is doing aside from apparently not moving forward with his next film, “Deep Tiki“? (sounds like his principal leads Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon have moved on and or are super busy).

According to sources via the Daily Swarm, Crowe and his rocker pals in Pearl Jam have been outed as a recent collaborators on a new commercial for retailers Target that features the band’s upcoming single “The Fixer” (Pearl Jam are no longer on Sony and will go sans record label for their next album instead going with multiple retail partners, one of which is Target).

Pearl Jam members themselves said they were working on a documentary in connection to the band’s 20th anniversary and PJ’s manager says some of the footage shot for the commercial may be used for that project (their collaborations date back to Crowe’s 1991 film, “Singles”) according to Billboard.

The commercial was shot at the Showbox in Seattle and reportedly features the band’s first live performance in quite some time as they debuted their new song in the Crowe-shot commercial.

The single itself is described by one on-set extra as a “blazing rocker about how we can beat the bad economy [and] hard times by fighting for what we love” and is predicted by the aforementioned extra to be “their biggest hit in at least a decade.” About 300 extras were witness to the event and presumably signed confidentiality agreements – hence the withdrawal of many sourced articles on the Swarm.

The band was supposed to play “Got Some” on their appearance in the first episode of “The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien,” but instead they played “Got Some.” Here’s an embed: