Comic-Con Pt II: And The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth

Nerd bonanza Comic-Con 2007 is over. Geeks came, mobbed, conquered and left. Often with autographs, pictures and a ton of other souvenirs in hand.

Even someone like Rob Zombie, whose bread and butter is loser parade events like Comic-Con has palable disdain for the freaks there. “I pretty much get in and get out. I can’t hang around much — if I walk the floor, people just mob you. It’s so crowded, and people start asking for autographs and taking pictures, and you never really see anything. So I’ll just do my thing and split,” Zombie told MTV.

We already mentioned what went down during the first day of Comic-Con. Here’s the highlights from the rest of the weekend.

– 3 seconds of the new Incredible Hulk designs were revealed to salivating oohs and aaahs. [YouTube]
Ed Norton also revealed that he tweaked or according to him anyhow, wrote the ‘Hulk’ screenplay himself and considers himself a huge fan of the comic book. [PRNet]

– Original Indy 4 screenwriter Frank Darabont talked up the similarities of his Indiana Jones 4 script and the current one. Evidently, everyone but George Lucas liked Darabont’s version, but his also contained the return of Marion Ravenwood (aka original Indy damsel-in-distress Karen Allen). [MTV]

– Warner Bros. unveiled the Joker dossier as a sort of viral Batman tease. The lame “Dark Knight” teaser trailer is also up. []
Warner Bros. also staged an elaborate stunt outside of the ComicCon conference building with a plane skywriting phone numbers for nerdlingers to call in. A new Joker photo with Maggie Gyllenhaal was also revealed. [Cinematical]

– “The Watchmen” poster was revealed (it’s pretty much just a still of the comic art, lame). [ComingSoon]
The film’s date was set for March 6, 2009 and it was revealed that the character Dr. Manhattan (to be played by priceless Mastercard actor Billy Crudup) would be all CGI. [MTV]

– The poster for JJ Abrams secret monster was revealed. Known as “Cloverfield” on the interweb (Abrams production company’s street apparently), the vagueness of the title and project continues to dangle like a carrot overtop geeks’ heads to keep them entranced.

– Footage from the Iron Man trailer was online for a brief moment, but studio heads took it down from YouTube. [Cinematical]