Donnie Darko Sequel? File Under: Worst Ideas Ever

Those of us with a realistic outlook and clear-headed sense of taste can safely assume that the cult-classic “Donnie Darko,” about the retarded kid with the pet rabbit who tells him to murder people (kinda like “Harvey” for emo teens), was a huge one-off fluke.

Have you seen the director, Richard Kelly’s hilariously preposterous “Southland Tales,” cause if you have, you know exactly what we’re talking about.

Moreover if you’ve seen the “director’s cut” of Donnie Darko, which basically ruins the allure behind the movie, reveals too much and basically pulls back the curtain – kinda like Lucas did with the fuckin midichlorians – you know precisely what we mean. Even Kelly is fully aware how much he fucked up with ‘Southland,’ given his next project.

Anywhoo, this is all preamble to say, “Donnie Darko 2,” wtf? However, hold the phone, Kelly is not involved and some other hack is taking over (good, that would have been the siren call of desperation if he had helmed).

Apparently the story “picks up seven years after the death of Donnie, with youngest Darko Samantha, now 18, and her best friend Corey being plagued by bizarre visions while on a roadtrip to Los Angeles.” The only person reprising their role in the film will be Daveigh Chase (the aforementioned Samantha, their really wouldn’t be a film without her).

The whole concept screams of utterly unnecessary and therefore we question the filmmakers commitment to sparkle motion, forget it.