Drink Up, Jessica Walters Says Arrested Development Movie Mostly Good, Bateman Suggest Summer '09 Possible Start

Jason Bateman says summer 2009 is the potential start date for shooting on the “Arrested Development” movie if all goes well. He hints at Michael Cera’s potential lack of involvement.

“Well it looks as if it’s going to happen,he said. “The question is who wants to be a part of it.

Jessica Walters (Lucile Bluthe) pretty much says the same.

“I miss the people and I miss the writing. Mitch Hurwitz [“Arrested Development” creator], so brilliant! It is exciting – how they’ll ever get everybody involved together, I have no idea. Luckily that’s not my problem. I don’t know about [Cera], but how about him? It’s funny, he’s the nicest, quietest, most laid-back kid – and he was on the show too. You just didn’t think that this guy was going to be a huge movie star. He was so quiet, so non-showbizzy. I mean, I’m not surprised because he’s so talented, but it happened so fast – within a year.”

We’ll believe it when we see it.