Exclusive: Clip From Food Documentary 'In Organic We Trust' Goes To The Farmers' Market

nullBelieve it or not, there was once a time when a trip to the grocery store was no more involved than making sure you didn't forget any of the things on your list. But over the past couple of decades, consumers have become more savvy and concerned about the source of their produce and how it has been grown and packaged, leading to more options than ever in terms of where to shop and what to buy. The word "organic" has not only become a term that supposedly denotes an item free from factory farming methods, it was become a marketing machine, a buzz word that can mean millions of dollars in revenue. But are we really getting what we pay for?

Director Kip Pastor decided to find out, and his documentary "In Organic We Trust" talks with farmers, certifiers, scientists, critics and more, to explore just what exactly "organic" means. In this exclusive clip, we see how local farmers' markets can play a key role in providing healthy food to low-income shoppers, though various programs. It's an interesting insight into one small corner of the food production world.

"In Organic We Trust" is now available nationwide on VOD. Take a look at the clip below.