'Ferrari': Adam Driver Says "F*ck You" After An Audience Member Calls Crash Scenes "Cheesy" At A Recent Screening

Adam Driver is one of the most respected actors working today, and filmmaker Michael Mann is a legend. So, it makes sense that folks are eagerly anticipating the release of their collaboration, “Ferrari,” especially after the great reviews from its debut at Venice earlier this year. But for one person at a recent screening, the film didn’t really land for them. And he wanted to make sure Adam Driver knew.

READ MORE: ‘Ferrari’ Review: Style & Business Overtake Emotion In Michael Mann’s Biopic About The Italian Automobile Tycoon [Venice]

The situation occurred when an audience member, during a Q&A after a screening at Poland’s Camerimage Film Festival, said, “What do you think about [the] crash scenes? They looked pretty harsh, drastic and, I must say, cheesy for me. What do you think?”

“Fuck you, I don’t know,” replied Driver.

As you might expect, this drew a pretty funny reaction from the fans. It’s unclear if the language barrier was at play here and the audience member didn’t mean to offend. However, if he did mean it as a critique, then you have to give him credit for having the guts to say it directly to Driver. On the same hand, it’s a pretty shitty thing to do. 

But hey, it made for a funny moment, so there’s that. 

As mentioned, “Ferrari” has been receiving pretty complimentary reviews since its debut. The film currently stands at a respectable 74% on Rotten Tomatoes, and there are some who think it could be an awards contender later this year. 

“Ferrari” is expected to debut on December 25. You can watch the interaction below: