The Final Word on "28 Weeks Later": The Score, Plus 28 Months Later?

We’ve written a lot about “28 Weeks Later” and the original ’28 Days‘ and strangely enough there wasn’t a lot of soundtrack info out there. But as we initially reported, John Murphy again wrote the score to this sequel and the filmmakers in fact did recycle some of “28 Days Later” more memorable pieces (The rumors of Brit-pop in the movie were totally false and the Muse song used in the trailer is not actually in the film).

Fans of the original will definitely remember the very Godspeed You! Black Emperor-esque “In The House – A Heartbeat,” which basically becomes the theme to the very, very terrifying and stressful, “28 Weeks Later.” The capsule review is this: more of the same, but extremely well done and the scope is much bigger. It’s still horrifying and alarmingly unnerving. As the Onion A/V Club aptly puts it: “Any fears that a studio-financed sequel to 28 Days Later would forfeit scrappy immediacy for something slicker and more expensive-looking are erased from frame one.”

Incidentally, it looks like their will be a third installment in this franchise. 28 Months Later?

John Murphy – “In The House – A Heartbeat”
Download: John Murphy “Then There Were Two”