It feels like we’re finally turning a corner in the “Star Wars” universe discussion. With “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” hitting Blu-ray, it feels like we can finally put that divisive film in the rear-view mirror and look to the future, namely at director J.J. Abrams’ ‘Episode IX.’ To kick things off in this new era of ‘Star Wars’ discussion, we have comments made by actor John Boyega, at the recent AwesomeCon in Washington, DC (Via Slash Film), that will give us a little idea of who Finn might be hanging out with in the upcoming film.
“I haven’t read the script for ‘Episode IX.’ But Daisy [Ridley] did shoot me a text saying, ‘Oh my gosh, I just heard from J.J. [Abrams], and we’re back together.’ That’s what I’m really excited about is Finn and Rey back together again.”
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For fans of the two characters’ interactions in ‘The Force Awakens,’ this is great news. The relationship between Finn and Rey was set up in that film to be the driving force for the new series. Then, when Finn was hurt at the end of the film, incoming director Rian Johnson took that as a way to split them up in ‘The Last Jedi,’ much to the chagrin of those who wanted to see what was next for the characters.
In ‘The Last Jedi,’ Finn and Rey are completely separated, spending much of the film on polar opposite quests. Many have complained that, while Rey got her fair share of character development, Finn was the new character that was given the short straw in the film. His side adventure with Rose is one of the most controversial aspects of the film.
So, with news that the two actors will be back together to end the trilogy, there is new hope (get it?) that Finn and Rey will see their relationship progress and pick up from where ‘The Force Awakens’ left off.
There is one thing that Boyega would also like to see happen in the upcoming ‘Episode IX,’ in addition to the reunion. He also spoke about how he has some unanswered questions about Finn. “One question I’ve always had as an actor being involved in ‘Star Wars’ is why Finn decided to defect in the first place. I still don’t understand. I would love to know more, to go into his life as a Stormtrooper.”
As we now know, having seen ‘The Last Jedi,’ Rian Johnson was not much for explaining backstories for things he wasn’t interested in. It seems as if Finn’s origins were left for another day because Johnson wanted to explore other aspects of the universe. Since Abrams was the filmmaker to introduce Finn, perhaps Boyega will get his wish and we will learn a little more in ‘Episode IX.’
“Star Wars: Episode IX” will hit theaters in December 2019.