Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Got a Tip?

First ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Clip Reveals Chewbacca Is Getting Too Old For This Sh*t

The dorkiest question I can possibly ask about “Star Wars“: Will Lucasfilm ever employ the “Asteroid Theme” music John Williams composed for “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” aka one of my favorite Williams themes ever? While it’s been used in video games and Star Tours, the answer, found in the first clip from “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” is yes. I’m sure this is a big relief to you, the non-“Star Wars” score nerd.

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Meanwhile, despite a lot of early negative buzz for “Solo: A Star Wars Story” due to several factors, the original directors being fired from the film, and more recently, the rumor that Lucasfilm was unhappy with the movie (and the lead wasn’t good enough), but were just going to live with what they had, buzz for the new “Star Wars” movie seems to be growing. The Han Solo prequel movie is currently tracking to $170 million for opening weekend which would be about $15 million higher than what “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story“—ironically another embattled film production-wise—debuted to in 2016. And this is of course, before reviews and its Cannes preview. Positive reviews and greater buzz could elevate that number further.

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Did you know that George Lucas had a tiny bit of input in the film? “We were doing a scene and he was trying to stay out of the way, but he did lean over and he said, ‘You know what Han would really do there?’” Director Ron Howard, who took over for the film after Lord and Miller were fired, recalled on The Late Show Thursday night (watch the clip below). “I said, ‘What?’ And he told me the joke, he gave me a little joke. And I said [to the crew], ‘Hey, guess what? Here’s what we’re gonna do in the next take.’ So I know when I hear a good idea.”

Meanwhile, the aforementioned ‘Solo’ clip reveals Chewbacca’s age (109 years old), but you’ve probably seen that in one of the trailers already. Will some fans, already disgruntled with “Star Wars” thanks to ‘The Last Jedi’ and perhaps to a less degree ‘The Force Awakens’ take to ‘Solo’?

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They might. According to Howard in the recent “Star Wars” show clip—which featured his hilarious “Arrested Development” take on ‘A New Hope,’ the movie will have a throwback “70s feel” and there lead character has a rebelliousness and recklessness that the fans are already familiar with. The comforting quality of ‘Solo’ in character and tone could possibly assuage the haters. But who knows.

‘Solo’ stars Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, Paul Bettany and opens national on May 25. But it’ll premiere at the Cannes Film Festival before that so we’ll have word for you soon.

Watch the first clip of the film below, the Ron Howard, Late Night appearance, and a bunch of related TV spots and featurettes with additional footage that Lucasfilm has recently released, and of course, some new posters.

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